Communicatio's Creator

Communicatio's Creator
Tricia Aguirre

Friday, October 3, 2014


 As I begin my journey into teaching, it's probably best that I first explore how I operate in the world.  The Mental Muscle Diagram Indicator test (MMDI) is a good place for me to start.  I took the test and my results were as follows:

ISTJ  (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging)

The test pegged me as "in-between" personality types.  I am complex and unique.  I value clarity, knowledge, experience, a well-organized world, and specific objectives.   I especially like to have a plan (I'm not as comfortable with "winging it"). 

I agree with most of what the test told me about my personality and often feel that my personality did affect my choice to be a Language Arts teacher.  For example, I really enjoy grammar because there are specific rules that must be followed.  At the same time, I enjoy language arts because it allows for the freedom of expression, and through that freedom, I can break away from the rigid rules of grammar, mechanics, and usage.  I am very "in-between".  I want to have my cake and eat it too, perhaps, and Language Arts provides me that outlet and that cake!

I think my personality will affect my relationship with my students in a positive way.  I will be a good teacher because I value organization and specific objectives.  As long as I communicate effectively with my students, they should be able to learn something from me.  I am worried about the introversion, however.  Although I was about half and half introverted/extroverted, I was a smidge more introverted.  I will work to make sure that introversion does not take over -- that would not benefit my students. 

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